We are pleased to announce that our “KA&P Villa” project has been honored with the World Architecture Community Awards.
KA&P Villa project was selected by the WA Awards Jury Members’ Votes at the World Architecture Community Awards 47th Cycle in the Realised Category.
Backyard is often defined as an auxiliary space for traditional houses. It is like the end of a series of daily activities and is rarely cared like the welcoming space in front of the house. In our view point, the backyard is a place where family gathers to prepare meals, a place where everyone can comfortably have a conversation without fear of outside influences, a place where we can sit quietly after a tiring day. It is like an emotional space that helps us get closer to each other and closer to ourselves.
Thank you to World Architecture Community.

Reading more about this award at link:
https://worldarchitecture.org/architecture-projects/hncgm/KA&P Villa
Reading more about this project at link: